Thursday, September 22, 2011

Kilted to Kick Cancer

In just a few days now my blog along with many others with shed the Kilted to Kick Cancer avi's and the blue and turn pink in support of Breast Cancer. However we still have 8 Days...
What have you done to raise awareness........ are you kilted ? Have you made a donation on one of the many blogger sites taking donations ???? More importantly have you told other men about male specific cancers and the absolute need to be checked !!!!!!!!
This crusade kicked off with Happy Medic and Motorcop, and with the amazing support of the fine folks over at Magnum Boots and Alt has spread well but we can do more to spread awareness. Ambo Driver has posted a challenge with big awesome prizes over on his blog to raise money for male specific cancers. Go check it out and catch a few pics of him in a Kilt as well. Many bloggers have joined the fight and I'll not even try to list them all for fear of missing someone.
Go Check out the official Kilted to Kick Cancer  site and see all the pics, blogs, awareness efforts ect....
Through my own donation I now sport an Official Kilted to Kick Cancer t-shirt form Magnum Boots :) and while running errands last week had the opportunity to explain #KTKC to three men and their wives. I also had the pleasure of meeting an awesome man that has survived prostate cancer and is now 3 years cancer free thanks to , in his words, * a nagging pain in the ass wife * who kept on him to get checked . It totally made my day.
So Ladies keep on those men in your life. Sometimes it actually gets through to them.
So write a blog, read a blog, make a donation , get a t-shirt, raise some money for the giveaway, like a facebook page , wear a kilt.....but MOST importantly GET CHECKED GUYS !!!!!!!!!!!!
We love the men in our life and wanna keep you around !!!!!!!! SPREAD the word, talk to anyone and everyone... let's make prostate cancer and male specific cancers as known as Breast Cancer !!!!!!
I KNOW we can do this ........