Friday, December 9, 2011

November was a month of thanks :)

I spent the month of November with a challenge to myself to find something each day to be thankful for no matter how big or how small. 
I hoped to ground myself and restore some order and peace to myself. I also hoped it would remind those I love that there is so much in life to be thankful for, so much we take for granted every single day of our lives. 
I easily found 30 things to be thankful for. The good, the bad, the ugly, The obvious , the not so obvious. Some days I amazed myself with the little things that I was soooooo thankful for but take for granted. The list could have went on for ever I believe. Because of this project I've decided to start a journal the first of the year and see if I can manage a whole year of thanks. 
I'll let ya know how the project goes as the year progresses but for now I'm  posting my "Month of Thanks" 
I hope it makes you stop a moment and remember to be thankful for what you have :) 

!Nov. 1st I'm thankful for the parents that gave me life without them I'd not be here or who and what I am today. Thank You !!!!!!!

Nov. 2nd ~ I thought I knew what today's post was til I went to line the flag line as Pekin laid to rest one of our own Heroes. Today I'm thankful Pekin is my home and my hometown !!!!!! The support, patriotism, honor and dignity displayed today was totally awe inspiring and makes me so blessed and thankful to live in such a city !!!!!!!!!!!

Nov. 3~ Today I'm grateful to have the best friends in the world !!!!!! I know I never ever have to fear being alone. I got the kind of friends that will just sit on the phone and listen to me breath for the comfort of someone with me. They listen to me yell and scream and be a bitch, hold me when I cry. They celebrate my life and world, my accomplishments and they are there to hold me when I fail and help me get back up again !!!! I love you all to depths I could never explain here !!!!!!!!! You all hold a special place in my heart, now and forever !!!!!!!!!

Nov. 4~ Today I'm thankful for the My Children. They are truly my reason for living. the three I gave birth to as well as each and every one that I didn't. You ALL have given me the best and most important moments of my life. You've made me smile and laugh, love and hate, cry and breakdown but though it all I've loved you each more everyday of my life. I've known you love unconditionally as well !!!!!!!!!! You guys are my life, now and forever !!!!!!!!

Nov. 5~ Today I'm thankful for EVERY man and woman:past, present and future that has or does serve this country !!!!!!! They sacrifice and commitment to what they do is beyond inspiring. They do it with little thanks and often much scorn !!!!!!! NO ONE deserves our respect and thanks more than the American Soldier !!!!!!!!!

Nov. 6~ Today I'm thankful to have a job. A job that I love with the most wonderful people in the world !! It today's world it's rare to truly be able to say you love your job and I thank God everyday that I can and do !!!!

Nov 7~ Today I'm thankful that I have so many in my life to say "I Love You " too :) So many to hug .... It's the little things in life :)

Nov 8~ Today I'm thankful for My faith. That gives me the strength to go on when it seems there's no where left to go. That allows me to stand and fight when all I want to do is give up. That assures me that I'm never alone even in my darkest hours. That walks beside me, carries me and comforts me when I need it the most !!!!!!!

Nov 9~ Today i'm thankful for the internet. Yea I know it sounds silly but, it's allowed me to meet new friends, and stay in touch with old ones that have moved away. It's allowed me to reconnect with family and friends that live else where. I have friends across the globe now, many of whom are as close as my family. It's an amazing place the interwebs :)

Nov. 10~ Tonight I'm thankful for the roof over my head, food on my table. I don't always have everything I want in life but I always have everything I need and in today's wicked world when so many don't have the necessities of life I'm soooooooo very thankful that I do !!!!!!

Nov. 11~ Today i'm thankful; for my family near and far !!!!! I have the most amazing brothers and sisters and in-laws .. my *real* family os small these days but we are extremely close and I've got so many that I've met and have become family !!!!!!! I'm truly blessed !!!!!!!!

Nov 12~ Today i'm thankful for those that hurt me, used me, talked down about me and to me.... Because of you I'm me !!!!! I'm better and stronger and tougher and KNOW without a doubt there is nothing in this world that I can't do or overcome and come out stronger for it !!!!!! You all have helped make me the woman I am today !!!!!!

Nov 13~ Today I'm thankful for all those that risk their lives to be sure my family, friends and I are safe and taken care of when needed. the first responders, the emts, the medics, the firefighters , the police officers ......THANK YOU ALL for the jobs you do and the sacrifices you make !!!!! *HUGS* for each and everyone of you

Nov 14~ Today I'm thankful for good health. As I get older I thank God everyday for continued good health that allows me to work and support my family, to enjoy every moment of life and most importantly allows me to be there when my friends need me, it allows me to see my children grow into adults and not to watch my grandson grow up as well !!!!!!!!

Nov 15~ Today I'm thankful for KIND STRANGERS. Out of the blue, you receive unexpected help, a kind word, a message of inspiration, a smile. Seems I've run into a few of these strangers always when I need it the most !!!!!

Nov 16 ~ Today I'm thankful for music ! It speaks to the soul in good times and bad, it allows me to relax and express emotions I find difficult to express other ways.

Nov 17~ Today I'm thankful for the teachers in my life. those that taught me in school and those that cross my path as an adult and teach me still. I pray I continue learning everyday of my life and soooooooo appreciate those that have the patience and will to teach me !!!!!!!

Nov 18~ Today i'm thankful for the Sun that rises each morning to start another day and sets each evening to end my days be they good or bad !!!

Nov 19~ Today I'm thankful to live in a free nation. Messed up though it may be at times. I love this country and the freedom it allows me !!!!!!

Nov 20~ Today I'm thankful for the changing of seasons, the weather, in life and relationships. In many ways many things go through changes in much the same way the seasons do. Some better and brighter and some dead and grey but always something new to look forward too !!!!!!!

Niv 21~ Today I am thankful for moonlight and stars. The light of the night ;). The stars of the heavens !!!! Just an amazing sight !!!!

Nov 22~ Today I'm thankful for the ability to speak and living in a country that allows me to speak my mind !!!!!!!! i'm able to tell all that matter to me that I love them and the dickheads that I think they ae dickheads in no uncertain terms !!!!!

Nov 23 ~ Today I'm thankful for QUIET ANGELS. They walk into your life, often unannounced, help you in whatever way they can and just as quietly leave

Nov 24~ Today I'm thankful for each and everyone of you !!!!!!!! You all make my life : heart and soul complete !!!!! Hope each and everyone of you have a day as amazing as you are and know I wish I could have everyone of you here with me and mine today !!!!!! Happy Thanksgiving !!!!!!!! Love to each of you and many many Big Hugs !!!!!

Nov 25 ~Today I'm thankful for a good book. It takes me into another world and allows me the escape my mind needs to reboot.ig Hugs !!!!!!

Nov 26~ Today I'm thankful just to be alive :) Life is a gift. Mornings are gifts. Every time you wake up, stretch out those arms and say, “thank you for the gift of a brand new day!”

Nov 27~ Today I'm thankful for the gift of touch. Your hands can caress and soothe a loved one. You can touch and feel the different textures- soft, rough and silky smooth. With your touch you can express your love without words.

Nov 28~ Today i'm thankful for those that love me despite myself !!!!! Some days that's quite a chore I know but I'm blessed with many amazing friends that have seen me at my worst and yet love me despite it !!!!!! Those are the friends that inspire me , humble me and make me want to be all that I can be in this world !!!!!!!!! Loves ya all !!!!!!

Nov 29~ Tonight I'm thankful for the mistakes I've made. They have taught me many new things. They have made me learn and strive to do better. They've taught me that I can still learn and improve my life !!!!

Nov 30~ As my month of thankfulness ends this evening. Tonight I'm thankful to have so much to be thankful for, I've enjoyed the month of reflection and thought. I hope it's encouraged a few of you to slow down and be thankful for what truly matters as well. *Hugs*

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